Helping kids' wellbeing through schools
Squiggle Premium trialled in two London schools!

We’re more than a little chuffed to announce that Squiggle Premium is now being trialled by two London schools: Bonneville Primary in Lambeth and Drayton Park Primary in Islington.
Both schools celebrate diversity and are highly committed to supporting their pupils’ mental health & wellbeing by making sure children can still connect in a meaningful way with their families around the UK and overseas. The recent UK coverage and focus on increasing PSHE in schools (Personal, social, health and economic) in light of the pandemic impacts is no surprise. Children’s charity The Children’s Society has reported that wellbeing of children is at a ten year low, marking a decade of decline. Low wellbeing in children has been linked to depression, anxiety, reduced school attendance, lack of concentration, disrupted sleep and other health problems.
While COVID-19 rarely causes serious illness in children, it’s taken its toll on them in other ways, with some children continuing to be separated from close family and friends overseas (in some cases, a parent). Study after study shows the vital ingredient for wellbeing and happiness is having positive, supportive relationships – particularly with friends and family. Meanwhile research into the pandemic reported many children felt lonely and isolated, while parents of younger children had concerns about their child’s lack of communication with people outside the household.
The good news is that research has also shown digital forms of social interaction, such as Squiggle, may boost positive social connection and help reduce the impact of social or geographical distancing with the ones we love.
But just talking isn’t always easy, is it? And, as parents ourselves we know it certainly isn’t easy for an adult to keep a child engaged remotely.
Thanks to these two forward-thinking schools, their pupils are now enjoying creative play via face-to-face video calling with their family and friends in a safe, fun and engaging way, wherever they are in the world.
Would your school like to know more about our Squiggle for Schools programme? Just email us at for more information.
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