Play pictionary in a video call

Draw the secret word and see who can guess what it is.

Play pictionary in a video call

Play pictionary in a video call

Pictionary is a great word-guessing game that will inspire lots of laughter.

Great for kids who can read and think a little creatively.

How to play pictionary

Pictionary is built in to Squiggle.

When you start the game the squiggle host can send a word or phrase to a specific player. You can choose the difficulty level and if you want a timer.

Only the player who was sent the word will be able to see it. Everybody else will just see a placeholder showing the number of letters.

The player who was sent the word must draw a picture that will allow the other players to guess the secret word before the time is up!

Play pictionary with Squiggle

Start the pictionary game mode

If you’d like to play pictionary with Squiggle you just need to click on the Change game button in the pink game box in the top left corner of the screen.

Change game using the pink game box

Then choose Pictionary to activate the game mode.

Choose pictionary

Confirm that you are happy for your existing artwork to be cleared.

Confirm you want to continue

When the game starts you will be shown the instructions.


Use the pink + button to set a word / phrase challenge for a player.

You can choose the difficulty level, the timer duration (or no timer) and which player you want to set the challenge for.

Set a pictionary challenge

The player is then presented with the word they have to draw.

No other player can see the word!

The pictionary challenge

The other players then have to guess what word the player is drawing before the time is up!

Play then moves to the next player or the person who guessed correctly.

Use the pink + button to set a new challenge for a different player.