Play tic-tac-toe in a video call
Who can get three-in-a-row first. Play a quickfire game of tic-tac-toe in a Squiggle video call.

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Play tic-tac-toe in a video call
Tic-tac-toe, also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os in a classic pencil and paper game.
It is super quick to learn and good fun even for younger children.
How to play tic-tac-toe
- Two player
- Ages 3+
Draw a 3x3 grid on the canvas with four lines (or you can use the ready made shape in the toolbar).
One player is Xs and the other is Os.
Take it in turns to draw your mark in the grid.
The winner is the player who can get three of their mark in a line (diagonally, vertically or horizontally).
You can even extend the grid to 5x5 if you want to.